Join us in our mission to treat MCTO patients who currently have no hope.

We are funding grants!

Multicentric Carpotarsal Osteolysis is a rare and progressively destructive skeletal disorder affecting the bones of the wrists, feet and other joints. It creates severe deformities, pain, and joint function loss. The disorder is commonly associated with nephropathy, from mild to end stage kidney failure.

MCTO was initially thought to be caused by excessive activity of osteoclasts. We now know that treatments that restrict osteoclasts are not an effective means of stopping the progressive disease. As a result it is believed there are also problems in bone building, and that multiple cell types are involved.

“MAFB mutations causing multicentric carpal-tarsal osteolysis syndrome may affect mesenchymal lineage pathways, including chondrocyte and/or osteoblast function… “ Lazarus, S., et al. (2017). "Characterization of Normal Murine Carpal Bone Development Prompts Re-Evaluation of Pathologic Osteolysis as the Cause of Human Carpal-Tarsal Osteolysis Disorders.American Journal of Pathology 187(9): 1923-1934.

The MCTO research grant program will be used to fund genetic research that will enable us to learn more about how mutations in MAFB lead to the bone and renal phenotype, and develop a pathway to correct, treat or cure the disorder.

The MCTO Grant Funding Opportunity

We will award one-year research grants to selected recipients with a second year contingent on progress reports, and criterion achieved in year one and availability of funds.

Researchers should have a doctoral degree (MD or PhD). Applications must be in English.

The application can be accessed by clicking the brown box below and downloading. By submitting a proposal, you are acknowledging adhering to the terms and conditions outlined in the packet.

Please note our policy: Grant funds cannot be used for indirect or overhead costs.

Highlights of the application include:

  • Proposal Summary -description of proposed work & how does it fit into our mission to find an effective therapeutic to treat or cure MCTO.

  • Budget - justification for how funds will be used to to achieve project goal. Facilities and administration, office supplies, office equipment, indirect, and travel costs are not permitted.

  • Biographical Biosketch/ Curriculum Vitae -qualifications and experiences for a specific role in the project

  • Research Proposal - hypothesis, how it will be tested and applied, how it will have translational significance.

  • Project Timeline - clearly define milestones and project goals within the grant period

We are committed to supporting investigators who will share important research that can advance the mission of our organization. Applicants are asked to use NIH Example Plans for Sharing of Model Organisms as a guide for our own expectations.

Grant applications should be submitted to Sophie’s Neighborhood via email with “MCTO Grant Proposal Submission” in the subject to: